讲座:Moral Education in English Language Education: The Multimodal Construction of Social Values in EFL Textbooks in Hong Kong 英语教学中的道德教育:香港中小学英语教材中社会价值的多模态建构
Moral Education in English Language Education: The Multimodal Construction of Social Values in EFL Textbooks in Hong Kong
香港理工大学 英文系
Abstract: This study investigates the multimodal representation of social values and their ontogenetic development in EFL textbooks in Hong Kong. Adopting a social semiotic perspective, this study considers social values in textbooks as complex semiotic discursive constructs involving language and visual images, and attempts to map out the choices available in their multimodal construction. Two broad categories of value construction, articulation and embedding, are proposed, and system networks are developed to provide an explicit metalanguage for the identification and understanding of social values in EFL textbooks. Analysis shows that the values represented in the textbooks mainly serve the purpose of cultivating good citizens and “whole persons”, rather than political/ideological control. It is also found that the social values follow a clear pattern of development from the personal domain (e.g., hygiene habits and healthy lifestyle), through the interpersonal domain (e.g., politeness and respect), to the altruistic concern of the whole of mankind. It concludes that the systematic modeling of the patterns and the multimodal construction of social values in textbooks provide an explicit metalanguage for the understanding and critical analysis of moral values, which contributes to both moral education and critical literacy.
Key words: moral education; social values; EFL textbooks; multimodal construction; Hong Kong
简介:冯德正,博士(新加坡国立大学),现为香港理工大学英文系助理教授(研究),博士生导师,主要研究方向为多模态语篇分析,认知语言学,语言教学等。他先后在Applied Linguistics, Journal of Pragmatics, Visual Communication, Semiotica, Review of Cognitive Linguistic, Narrative Inquiry等国际(SSCI/A&HCI)期刊与《外国语》,《当代语言学》,《现代外语》,《外语学刊》,《外语教学》,《外语研究》等国内期刊发表论文二十余篇。他目前主持或参与10余项国家、教育部、香港政府及香港理工大学项目,主要关注公共传媒(如公益广告、新闻)与英语教学(包括英语教材与英语课堂)中信息与知识的多模态建构。冯博士主要讲授社会语言学、新媒体、语言教学、语篇分析等博士生、硕士生、本科生课程。他目前主要指导(或合作指导)多元读写与多模态语篇分析方向的本、硕、博学生。