
How to write a short story from personal experience

How to write a short story from personal experience
Robin Hemley

The Sun Yat-sen University Center for English Creative Writing presents its 12th Book Club event

    “How to write a short story from personal experience” by Robin Hemley


Robin Hemley directs the Writing Program at Yale-NUS College in Singapore and is the author of ten books of non-fiction and fiction, including the popular craft book Turning Life into Fiction. The winner of many awards, he is a graduate of The Iowa Writers’ Workshop and directed the Nonfiction Writing Program at The University of Iowa from 2004-2013. His fiction, nonfiction, and poetry have been published in the U.S., the UK, Germany, Japan, Australia, the Philippines, Hong Kong, and elsewhere. He teaches creative writing workshops around the world. 

Time: 19:00-20:30, Monday, March 21, 2016
Venue: Lecture Hall 101, School of Foreign Languages Building, South Campus, Sun Yat-sen University