讲座主题一: Internationalization through Context-Driven English for Academic Purposes (EAP)
Speaker: Dr. Susan Barone (Vanderbilt University, U.S.A.)
讲座主题二: Financing Higher Education in the United States: Inequality and Student Success
Speaker: Brent Evans, Ph.D. (Vanderbilt University, U.S.A.)
主持人: 牛端副教授
Susan Barone, Executive Director of Global Learning and Education; Affiliated faculty at College of Arts and Science, Center for Second Language Studies, Peabody College of Education
Susan’s research investigates the intersection of Applied Linguistics and Narrative Medicine and the connection between clinician elicitations and patient narratives in intercultural health-care contexts. She has been instrumental in developing discipline-specific language programs in the VU schools of Education, Engineering, Law, Nursing, Medicine, and Management. Professional interests include needs analysis, program design, and medical discourse analysis. Susan presents at international conferences, and her publications include articles, book chapters, and the textbook, American Legal English.
Brent Evans, Assistant Professor of Higher Education and Public Policy, Department of Leadership, Policy & Organizations Brent Evans is an Assistant Professor of Higher Education and Public Policy at Peabody College, Vanderbilt University where he conducts quantitative research on higher education policy. Professor Evans employs the tools and perspectives of economics and focuses on issues of college access and student success. His work is published in the American Economic Journal: Economic Policy and Innovative Higher Education. He is a Co-Principal Investigator on an Institute for Education Sciences grant that is studying the effect of pre-college advising on high school students postsecondary education outcomes in Texas.